Establishing a roadmap for development

EBO is an Effects Based Organization that was founded in 2017 on the premise that project delivery is most effective when working in collaboration with civic government and in cooperation with civic leadership. The company, then working under the name KM Planning Strategy, first began assisting the Academy of Art University in the entitlement of their 42 residential, commercial, and institutional properties. Since that time, EBO has assisted hundreds of clients ranging from homeowners, realtors, commercial brokers, architects, land use attorneys, development companies and commercial enterprises.

Our team has played a pivotal role in guiding the evolution, entitlement, and enrichment of diverse residential and commercial properties in the Bay Area, and throughout the Pacific Northwest. Our main goal is to help property owners envision and bring to life new possibilities for their real estate investments. The form in which this takes place varies depending on the circumstances but often involves a deep understanding in city policy and state legislation, technical expertise in planning and building codes, and capacity in negotiation to execute project delivery.


  • Quick Consultations

  • Due Diligence

  • Development Strategy

  • Entitlements

  • Mediation and Negotiation


“I have appreciated Kate's perspective on the changing, complex landscape of San Francisco policy... and thus followed carefully the incredible follow-up work which her team led to legally change San Francisco's complicated zoning process.”

-Founder,  Oz Erickson | EMERALD FUND